Dr Tukiya Kankasa

Position: Mabula, Interim Chairperson, Expert Leaders Group (ELG) - Zambia
Categories: Speaker

Dr. Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula is a distinguished lawyer dedicated to women’s economic advancement and financial inclusion. She leads the Expert Leaders Group on Women’s Financial Inclusion in the Digital Economy in Africa under the Graça Machel Trust. Previously, Dr. Tukiya served as the Deputy Governor for Administration at the Bank of Zambia for 12 years. During her tenure, she championed gender equality in financial services, integrating gender mainstreaming into the Bank’s Strategic Plan and the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. She also developed frameworks for collecting sex-disaggregated financial data.

Dr Tukiya has been instrumental in embedding gender considerations in Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) activities and co-created the Women World Banking, Oxford University, and AFI Leadership and Diversity Programmes. She holds advisory roles with the World Bank Group Advisory Council on Gender and Development, the UNECA African Women’s Leadership Fund Advisory Board, and the Women’s Financial Inclusion Data Partnership (WFID) and serves as the Chairperson of United.